*Photo: Abdulwarees Solanke*
All that we pursue in life is for a purpose or a reason even for as routine as drinking water to quench thirst, much more the quest for power, position, and wealth. Immediately we reach that end or purpose, we must put a lever on further search and focus on its righteous, altruistic, utilitarian and purposeful value, using it for the desirable end of public good and service. For, if we seek it more after its fulfilment and become rather engrossed in its enjoyment, we are likely to suffer some consequences of its constipation or obsession.
If we do not take account of this reality, the obsession can become an albatross on us, a crippling burden, a licentious preoccupation, even a devastating killer at our zenith or when it is no more needful or relevant and when we cannot deliver on the expectations associated with its acquisition.
Unfortunately for most of us in pursuit of power and office, it is the moment that we attain wealth and power that we easily but unconsciously lapse into the forgetfulness of its essence, getting inebriated in its obsession instead of becoming more visionary and purposeful to deliver on its utilitarian essence.
So rather than use it to serve its purpose or even work for and with others while we are in power or when we reach position of wealth and authority in life, we privatize it, becoming desperate, fretful and suspicious in the process of exercising it, or, we become unduly arrogant and vicious in affirming arrival, presence or authority.
In this mentality, we also become insecure, unnecessarily defensive, sometimes relying on strange forces and special powers to survive. We are then captured by and in power and thus ring ourselves with a coterie of advisers who take advantage of our fear of loss or desperation for self-preservation to lead us on their own personal interest, agenda or vision.
We are thus isolated from those we are meant to serve or those that will genuinely and sincerely guide us against derailment in office.
In being our advisers, our captors rip us off, making millions from our obsession.
For fears and concerns for survival, we lose our independence to our so- called consultants and advisers, and because they are the kingmakers, their views must be sacrosanct.
Unconsciously, we cede our ⁷power to them, releasing the keys of our vaults and providing them easy access to the Commonwealth or the trust we are suppĺosed to jealously protect and deliver on.
Virtually we abdicate our office to them, just because we want to occupy seat of honour or grandeur. It is what they bring to us that we approve, and their views become our vision. In the hands of such advisers, we become slaves or stooges.
When we seek and reach power, there is a certain attitude we must always adopt in life to demystify the power in our hand, so that we are not consumed by its inebriation, sunk in its desperation or perish in its depression when we lose it.
This attitude is conditioned by an awareness that power and wealth are ⁶not an end but a means to an altruistic end of public good and Godly service.
According to a saying concerning power, almost a cliché now, power corrupts, and absolute power 6 absolutely. Same for wealth..
Indeed, it is difficult to define which comes first because of the Yoruba saying, Olowolayemo, that only the wealthy does man reveres because the reason for seeking power by many is mostly for wealth and fame. When seeking for or on attaining power, the following admonition would suffice to avoid its desperation and corruption it.
First, we must be conscious that power comes from God, and it is bestowed it on whomever Allah wills. No matter our efforts at attaining power, office, or position, if it will not be in our ultimate or best interest, we should not lust for it, nor should we be depressed wķhen we lose it or when the whistle is blown for our time up.
Power is a trust held on behalf of the public, and to them, we must always render our account of service on a termly basis. So, while in power, we must be open and accountable to the people.
As we are conscious that we are also bearing a trust on behalf of the ultimate assigner or appointer or promoter, we must be ready for rendering the final account to our Lord on the day of judgement if we believe in the inevitability of the Final hour.
Finally, whether we are in public office or not, we all exercise power in the assignment or office that we are entrusted at our various levels, phases, contexts, and circumstances of our existence. None of us will be excused from accounting; therefore, our attitude in searching winning or losing power should be that of humility, calmness, and responsibility.
There should be no undue exultation when we attain power or depression when we lose it because, in either case, wealth , office, or power are burdened and trials. Attaining them are not guaranteed to success
True men of power and wealth are not victims of power, never afraid to lose it nor desperate to retain it. In their exercise of power and use of wealth, they are firm and focused, exercising reason and discretion at all times and when they lose it or their term is ending, they feel no fear of the future because they are secure in their conscience.
The real essence of power is not serving personal interests. Power is exercised for creating or delivering value. It finds illustration in the story of the creation of man for all believers in the revealed books. For instance, in the Quranic story of Adams creation, man was created to be Allah Caliph, vicegerent, ambassador, trust bearer to exercise authority on earth on behalf of Allah,
So, all those in power, spiritual or temporal, should brace up to challenges. No rejoicing. For all losers of power, however, it might be in their best interest that the Almighty does not want to subject them to a burden or trial; they would never escape judgement or punishment. Let them take solace in the realization that only Allah appoints and empowers.
Ultimately, the real losers may be those that upstaged or schemed them out in the power game. They will be responsible for their own mischief on judgment day.
Abdulwarees, a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Public Diplomacy and Management, and the 2007/2008 Commonwealth Broadcasting Association scholar in Public Policy at the Universiti Brunei Darussalam is Head/ Deputy Director, Strategic Planning & Corporate Development Department, çVoice of Nigeria and volunteers for the Muslim Public Affairs Centre MPAC Nigeria as Director, Media & Strategic Communications
08090585723, korewarith@yahoo.com