NASFAT Members, Focus Is Key, Don’t Be Distracted, -By Abdul-Ganiyy Raji


A big faith-based Islamic Society such as NASFAT will have traducers, detractors, or critics. Criticism is good. It shows that NASFAT is relevant.

Some people will oppose or criticize everything or anything that a Society like NASFAT does. Some criticize our coming together for Asalatu every Sunday for Tahajjud on Fridays, or our other programmes. Well, it is normal for people to have divergent views on issues. We do not hate constructive criticisms. Well-intentioned criticisms push us to do more for Allah and improve our activities. But, are we distracted or bothered by negative criticisms? The answer is NO. We have our eyes set on our mission.  It is part of the design of Allah that human beings will differ on matters. So we do not assume that everyone will like what we do. But, we will stay true to the teachings of Allah and His Messenger to the best of our ability.


NASFAT remains focused and steadfast in the pursuit of its Mission to develop an enlightened Muslim Ummah nurtured by a true understanding of Islam for the spiritual uplift and welfare of mankind.

NASFAT is not deterred by whatever anyone says. This is because NASFAT does not do anything that runs contrary to the core principles of Islam. I have seen and heard people who criticize NASFAT for holding congregational supplications on Sundays as Asalatu, or on Friday nights as Tahajjud. I have seen people who say there is nothing like Asalatu in Islam. They speak in the Name of God without providing a single shred of evidence. They only rely on personal views. They do not bother to discover the objectives underpinning the terminology.

NASFAT members have to know there is no Qur’ān verse or Hadith that prohibits congregational supplications. If there is anything, we only have Qur’ān verses and Hadīths that support congregational supplications. I have once done a write-up to highlight the textual evidence for the spiritual activities of NASFAT. Please, go and look for the write-up. As a Society, we must keep our eyes on our mission and ignore distractions.

NASFAT aims to provide an atmosphere where servants of Allah come together to worship Allah at their own pace and an environment where people are not discriminated against. NASFAT recognizes that people are not on the same level in their religious devotion. NASFAT serves as a platform where people feel comfortable to grow gradually in their commitment to Allah. NASFAT does not discriminate against anyone no matter his or her level of religious understanding or commitment. NASFAT believes that it is not right to focus on judging people; rather, people should be allowed to grow progressively in their devotion to Allah. NASFAT wants to provide an environment that is welcoming to all Muslims to deepen the unity of the Ummah and strengthen Islam as a religion.

NASFAT is impacting lives. Through NASFAT, ladies who formerly did not use Hijabs now use their Hijabs proudly. Through NASFAT, people who could hardly joke with their stomachs now fast voluntarily to gain Allah’s pleasure. Through NASFAT, professionals who formerly distanced themselves from Islam or Islamic circles are now committed Muslims. Through NASFAT, brothers and sisters who were not consistent in the observance of Salāt now observe not only the Obligatory Prayers regularly but observe also supererogatory and voluntary prayers. Through NASFAT, many people who ordinarily would have jumped into other religions are now proud to call themselves Muslims. Through NASFAT, brothers and sisters who did not have religiously compatible friends have not found friends. Through NASFAT, brothers and sisters are finding Muslim spouses. Through NASFAT, youths who didn’t have the skills necessary for the labour market are now equipped with labour-ready skills. Through NASFAT, Islam became a respected religion in South West Nigeria and in other areas where NASFAT is located. NASFAT is impacting lives and making changes. NASFAT members and others who want to join us should not be distracted by whatever anybody says. NASFAT is a focused Islamic Society.

Some people want to present NASFAT as a Society that does not keep to the Sunnah. You may want to ask such people these questions: What is Sunnah if not to promote Islam beyond words? What is Sunnah if not to provide a platform for people to grow spiritually at their own pace? What is Sunnah if not to promote unity, brotherhood, and sisterhood? What is Sunnah if not to encourage people to direct their supplications to Allah alone? What is Sunnah if not to let people know that no matter how big their challenges are, they can always talk to Allah? What is Sunnah if not to let people know the power of supplications?  What is Sunnah if not to teach people to be diligent, neat, trustworthy, generous, kind, selfless, community-oriented, and good citizens? This is exactly what NASFAT does. We teach our members to rely only on Allah. We teach our members not to associate a partner with Allah. We teach our members to believe in the power of Du’ā (prayer). We teach our members to be agents of positive change wherever they are. We teach our members to love their fellow Muslims and be kind to all human beings. We never preach hatred. We never preach disunity. We never ask our members to neglect Salāt or not fast or go on Hajj. We never encourage laziness. We only encourage all that is good.

NASFAT members should keep their eyes on the goal, which is to serve Allah through NASFAT till we return to Allah.

In the Mission Board, we are open to enquiries and questions from anybody who genuinely wants to ask us about the spiritual activities of NASFAT. We will be willing to justify our programmes with evidence from the Qur’ān, the tradition of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and the practices of pious Muslims of the past.

Some people criticize NASFAT because they are distant from the Society, so their criticisms are based purely on ignorance of what NASFAT does. Others know how much of a positive impact NASFAT is making within the Ummah, but they still speak ill of the Society for negative reasons. NASFAT will not be distracted and NASFAT members should never be distracted.

We have sincere intentions behind all our activities and our aim is purely to serve Allah and promote the welfare of His servants.

NASFAT Members, stay focused, don’t be distracted.

*Abdul-Ganiyy Raji
NASFAT National Da’wah Officer/National Mission Board Secretary

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