How to make your yummy and tasty yoghurt


Recipe 1. Powdered Milk—— ——-500g

2. Water ———–4liters


3. Yoghurt culture—10g (You can also use fresh unsweetened natural yoghurt as your culture to make your own homemade delicious yoghurt.)

4.sugar————–to taste

5. Vanilla flavour or any other flavour of your choice


1. Dilute the milk with the water in a bowl and transfer the mixture into a pot

2. Bring the diluted milk to a boil, bring down from fire, pour into a bowl that has cover but don’t cover immediately, allow it to become warm, not totally cold. ( the essence of boiling is to get ride of germs).

3. When the milks is warm, pour the yoghurt culture/starter in a little plate, pour a little quantity of the boiled milk in to the culture/starter, dilute it and then pour it back into the main milk.4. Cover it and keep in a warm place, where it will not be disturbed and allow it to ferment for 10 -12 hours or preferably over night.

5. When it properly ferments (i.e) the next day, open the bucket and stir, if it’s too thick, you can add more water to it.

6. Add you sugar to taste and vanilla flavor or any other flavor of your choice, stir well to combine to whole ingredients properly and then sieve to remove the chaff.

7. Your yoghurt is ready for consumption, so easy to make.

You can put in the fridge cos it’s best served chilled.

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